Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lost for Winning !

Very often life brings us at terminals where many roads end and in turn bend into multiple directions each taking a unique look. Gujarati's call those terminals as 'chaukdi', Oriya call as 'chak' and hindi speaking belt designate it as 'chauraha'. Whatever name people might give it, effect remains the same. It perplexes human mind, more so when the decision is not for self but for 500 odd families associated with that one decision.

As shared in last post , authorities responsible for grant of license for the mahua flower trade to the cooperative  have delayed it beyond the limits of delay. Perhaps or may be with this sentence 'perhaps' is not required, they are looking for bribe for grant of license. Ethically I am against doing anything if that comes through corrupt route, but here produce at stake is not mine but of 500 odd poor families who on our insistence and persuasion had come together and didnt sell the produce to the local trader. They were assured that collectively with 'time utility' they will be able to fetch a better price for the produce of their efforts. However as it was decided that entire working capital has to come from them and therefore price of the produce will be given only after 'collective sale' happens. This was done to ensure their 100% stake in 'their business'.

They 'innocently' followed the advise and in the member preference card, they had marked when and in what quantities they will like their produce to be sold. However due to inordinate delay in the license, this process couldn;t be properly followed by the cooperative. Now Cooperative stands at two choices, either give bribe and take the license at the earliest or violate the first principle of 100% working capital contribution by members which was the most unique aspect in the Mayurbhanj Expeirment. In both choices objective remains same, members must not be left unpaid as they have completed their promise of holding back the produce.

Today we had cooperative's representative body meeting. May be due to my inclination towards not giving bribe, board members unanimously agreed for the second choice. Cooperative has decided to advance loan for 50% of the produce and pay back the members upto 1 quintal at the last highest market price. With this members will get a breathing space and will be able to support some of the expenses for the ongoing paddy cultivation. Some of my friends have agreed to advance 'no interest' loan which cooperative will repay back by January 2012.

With this one decision Marshal Cooperative has perhaps lost the unique model which it wanted to portray that poor can do business with 100% working capital contribution from their end. But then this 'chauraha' of life had two tough choices, we thought it was better to let the 'innovation' aspect die down instead letting our morals down. Neverthless even if 'innovation' will not be visible on balance sheets but in spirit all members and representative body recognizes that members had fulfilled their 100% working capital contribution criteria and its the systemic delay which has forced us to advance payments.

Not too sure, management case studies might treat this has 'Lost' but we at Mayurbhanj experiment call this "Lost for winning' because ......
ना  हार  से  ना  जीत  से
बस  केवल  एक  उम्मीद  से
वक़्त के पन्नों पर कुछ लिखता मिटाता हूँ
गीत नया गाता हूँ 

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