Flurry of messages on 15th September, forcefully reminds me that somewhere in past I did complete a course called Mechanical Engineering. I am not too sure whether the four year period inscribed anything what "3 idiots" movie believes engineering institutions should instill in the creatures called engineers.
But there was certainly something special in the people around me in the institute, which motivated me to venture into social sector. These special people have cast a spell on my life and I owe them a lot. Few of them appear on the page Architects of my life and there are many others whose names are still due to be acknowledged.
There was one such special being who taught us Thermodynamics. Buddies from SVNIT would have guessed by now, yes Prof HB Naik. When he got to know that I am changing the path, he shared a very interesting metaphor which serves as a best guide for me in the journey of development sector. He said "Sharda, in social sector you will find two interesting laws of thermodynamics at work. One law says that 'transfer of energy takes time', always remember that social change which you have in mind will not happen fast, it may take months, years and possibly decades. This law instills the faith, the perseverance, the patience whenever I am about to quit. Second law says that 'whenever transfer of energy happens, there is always loss of energy', therefore you should be happy if even 30% (carnot engine) of what you have dreamt gets accomplished. This law makes me re-energized to find out missing links and connecting dots in the hazy picture where all the dots and all the links vanish even after getting linked.
ना हार से ना जीत से
बस केवल एक उम्मीद से
वक़्त के पन्नों पर कुछ लिखता मिटाता हूँ
गीत नया गाता हूँ
बस केवल एक उम्मीद से
वक़्त के पन्नों पर कुछ लिखता मिटाता हूँ
गीत नया गाता हूँ
BTW Happy Engineer's day!!!