Sunday, November 28, 2010

Except me

We may blame, we may criticize and we may hate others for the situations we are now in, for the phase we are passing through and for the bad shape of the destiny of our dreams. As intellectual beings, we may furnish "thousand and one" excuses to show to the world that "except me" everyone else is responsible for our bad times, except "my sincerity of efforts", except "my earnest desire to fulfill dream" everyone else is responsible. And we may do that with utmost sophistication and tears in eyes that whole world feels that look here is a guy who wanted to do "xyz" but situations didn't let him complete.

But is that a reality?

Is it that those who could do, were granted special luck by Almighty? or Is it that world was more favorable to them and provided them red carpet welcome to accomplish their dream? or Is it that their dreams were very ordinary and that's why they apparently had no or "little" hurdle to cross? or Is that they didn't go through any pain or suffering?

When we sit back after "trying to run away" from "self" we find that "except me" no one else is responsible. This is the moment when we start saying "Accept me" for the faults. None in the world was granted his/her dream accomplishment on the tick of the clock. Possibly no one in the world had silver feathering all the time in the journey. It's just that those who didn't wait for the the "semicolon" to become "full stop", who didn't wait for the "excuses" to make them "excused with their dreams", who didn't let the anguish over "situations" to get "settled with situations" could finally do it.

And its not that those who did that -realized it on the first day. Everyone goes through the "except me mode" with the only difference that those who realize this  before the "time" excuses them from their "dreams" are the one's who ensure that time keeps sharing about them candidly that they didn't say "Except me" but "Accept me" and therefore they achieved what they aspired.

Are we "realizing"?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

कौन हो तुम

कौन हो तुम पूछ लिया परिस्थितियों ने उससे  आज;
गिर जाते हो पर आती नहीं कराहने कि आवाज;
हार जाते हो पर दुखी चेहरा नहीं देख पाता कोई तीरंदाज ;
इधर दर्द के  तांडव नाच का रहता है आगाज़ ;
उधर तुम्हारा  कर्त्तव्य रथ आसमा में करता है परवाज़ ;
.कौन हो तुम पूछ लिया परिस्थितियों ने उससे आज

कौन हो तुम ये आज बताना होगा ;
किसने तुम्हे भेजा है ये आज समझाना होगा;
परिस्थितियों के प्रश्नों को आज सुलझाना होगा

देख प्रश्नों कि बारिश वो बोल पड़ा;
नाम है मेरा आम आदमी और फिर ये जोड़ चला;
थोडा सा भरोसा खुद पर रखता हूँ ;
थोडा ज्यादा अपने खुदा कि सुनता हूँ ;
गिरता हूँ हारता हूँ दर्द में कराहता हूँ;
पर दुखी होकर कभी रुकने नहीं पाता हूँ;

क्यूंकि यकीं है: 
अगर गिरने के बाद भी सांस चल रही है;
हारने के बाद भी नब्ज़ फड़क रही है;
दर्द से चीत्कार के बाद भी पैरों कि धड़कन भड़क रही है;
तो मेरे खुदा का है ये इशारा कि मेरी मंजिल अभी भी है बाकी;
और देखो इस आम आदमी कि  आँखें मंजिल देख पाने को तरस रही हैं .

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Image

Moments come in life when "life" puts us at a juncture where it tests the sincerity of our dreams, our conviction, our capacity to remain "tugged" with what we had believed-with what we had preached and for what we had begun our little steps.

The problems with which we get occupied, the unfathomable hindering elements in realization of our dream- start bringing in a feeling that possibly  almighty sitting somewhere on this earth or on heaven doesn't want this dream of ours to get converted into reality. Thoughts start creeping that possibly our capacity is limited, our resources are bound by someone else who has either provided us employment or has given  support  as a team mate, our authority to take decision for the dream lies with someone else, the circumstances in which we are in are possibly  not congenial to carry on with the dream. Intellect starts saying that we may take up this dream sometime later when "everything & everything" is perfectly all right. .

 And then we stand to decide, "the decision" which which will not just shape completion or non-completion of this dream but will create an "image", " an image of self" and "within self", the image which will always remind us being a "quitter". This image may perhaps will never be visible to other's but everytime when we take up a new dream- it will always float before our eyes.

This image will be so treacherous that even if one want's to run away, one wants to pass on the buck to someone else,  there will be none to blame, there will be no excuse to give, there will be none to listen except one and that will be "self". This moment says not get befuddled with "Apparent" limitations of resources,capabilities, team or circumstances, there was none and there will never be one situation when "everything and everything" will be perfect to begin the dream. There  is just one way, one moment and that one way and the one moment is to carry on because our heart says "Its My Dream" and therefore "My responsibility" to "Live it".

Are we seeing the "The Image"?

Monday, November 15, 2010

The True Winner

It's not a hundred metre race my dear;
One who fights till the end of the marathon is the true winner;

Many people begin the fight;
Some run fast while some have early situations tight;
Don't get bogged down if you are in the latter half;
Because every challenge at the beginning actually strengthens your calf;
The strength, the courage, which you gain;
The will, the immunity, to bear the pain;
If not now, for sure, will make the journey easy for the later half;
Therefore get up  before your self starts saying that you are dwarf;
Fight till the end even if first hundred metres put your feet on burner;
Show the world that you are not a hundred metre race runner;

Because it's not a hundred metre race my dear;
One who fights till the end of the marathon is the true winner.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

तो खुद भगवन को भी लाना होगा

अनिश्चितता के पलों का दावं भले ही कितना  गहरा हो; 
चाहे हर ओर बस अँधेरे का पहरा हो; 
फिर भी वहां रुकने या वापस लौट चलने का विचार करना संभव नहीं;
जहाँ राह दिखेगी वहां  कदम बढ़ाना होगा;
जहाँ राह नहीं दिखेगी वहां कदम के साथ राह को भी बनाना होगा;
जिस राह पर कदम चल निकले हैं;
जिन उद्देश्य के लिए वो बढ़ निकलें हैं ;
उसकी मंजिल पहले से बनी  राहों पर बढ़ने से आ जाएं तो सही ;
वर्ना खुद बनाई राह पर कदम फिर बढ़ाना होगा; 
और इन  बढ़ रहे  क़दमों के तले मंजिल को हर हाल में लाना  होगा ;
क्यूंकि लड़ाई अगर केवल निज स्वार्थ की होती;
या हार-जीत की कहानी खुद  तक सीमित होती; 
तो अँधेरा हटने तक कदम न बढ़ाते तो फर्क न पड़ता ;
या शायद डर कर लौट भी जाते तो कोई तर्क न करता;
पर यहाँ सवाल है उस भरोसे का उन शब्दों का;
जिनको पूरा करने के लिए अगर जरूरत पड़ी तो खुद भगवन को भी लाना होगा ;

मन एक जुलाहा

मन एक जुलाहा फंसी डोर सुलझाना, चाहे सिरा मिले न मिले कोशिश से नहीं कतराना, जाने मन ही मन कि जब तक जीवन तब तक उलझनों का तराना फिर भी डोर सुलझ...