The problems with which we get occupied, the unfathomable hindering elements in realization of our dream- start bringing in a feeling that possibly almighty sitting somewhere on this earth or on heaven doesn't want this dream of ours to get converted into reality. Thoughts start creeping that possibly our capacity is limited, our resources are bound by someone else who has either provided us employment or has given support as a team mate, our authority to take decision for the dream lies with someone else, the circumstances in which we are in are possibly not congenial to carry on with the dream. Intellect starts saying that we may take up this dream sometime later when "everything & everything" is perfectly all right. .
And then we stand to decide, "the decision" which which will not just shape completion or non-completion of this dream but will create an "image", " an image of self" and "within self", the image which will always remind us being a "quitter". This image may perhaps will never be visible to other's but everytime when we take up a new dream- it will always float before our eyes.
This image will be so treacherous that even if one want's to run away, one wants to pass on the buck to someone else, there will be none to blame, there will be no excuse to give, there will be none to listen except one and that will be "self". This moment says not get befuddled with "Apparent" limitations of resources,capabilities, team or circumstances, there was none and there will never be one situation when "everything and everything" will be perfect to begin the dream. There is just one way, one moment and that one way and the one moment is to carry on because our heart says "Its My Dream" and therefore "My responsibility" to "Live it".
Are we seeing the "The Image"?
Are we seeing the "The Image"?
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