Friday, December 17, 2010

Reason in life's every season

There is a reason in life's every season;
Some sit and cry while some leverage even pain with precision;
Any fool can be happy and confident when everything is at best;
It takes courage to move on when sun hides and life starts appearing at rest;
The time we forgo in blaming luck and others;
Is the time history charters use in creating buzzers ;
Buzzers which opens the doors of future with perfection;
Not with the best situation but with their best creation ;
Apparently bad situation is the reason;
History uses  to give future a new mason ;
The mason proves that it's not about what situation gave us;
It's about  responding with attitude of winning omnibus;
This resurrection of situation by mason;
Reiterates that there is a reason in life's every season.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Except me

We may blame, we may criticize and we may hate others for the situations we are now in, for the phase we are passing through and for the bad shape of the destiny of our dreams. As intellectual beings, we may furnish "thousand and one" excuses to show to the world that "except me" everyone else is responsible for our bad times, except "my sincerity of efforts", except "my earnest desire to fulfill dream" everyone else is responsible. And we may do that with utmost sophistication and tears in eyes that whole world feels that look here is a guy who wanted to do "xyz" but situations didn't let him complete.

But is that a reality?

Is it that those who could do, were granted special luck by Almighty? or Is it that world was more favorable to them and provided them red carpet welcome to accomplish their dream? or Is it that their dreams were very ordinary and that's why they apparently had no or "little" hurdle to cross? or Is that they didn't go through any pain or suffering?

When we sit back after "trying to run away" from "self" we find that "except me" no one else is responsible. This is the moment when we start saying "Accept me" for the faults. None in the world was granted his/her dream accomplishment on the tick of the clock. Possibly no one in the world had silver feathering all the time in the journey. It's just that those who didn't wait for the the "semicolon" to become "full stop", who didn't wait for the "excuses" to make them "excused with their dreams", who didn't let the anguish over "situations" to get "settled with situations" could finally do it.

And its not that those who did that -realized it on the first day. Everyone goes through the "except me mode" with the only difference that those who realize this  before the "time" excuses them from their "dreams" are the one's who ensure that time keeps sharing about them candidly that they didn't say "Except me" but "Accept me" and therefore they achieved what they aspired.

Are we "realizing"?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

कौन हो तुम

कौन हो तुम पूछ लिया परिस्थितियों ने उससे  आज;
गिर जाते हो पर आती नहीं कराहने कि आवाज;
हार जाते हो पर दुखी चेहरा नहीं देख पाता कोई तीरंदाज ;
इधर दर्द के  तांडव नाच का रहता है आगाज़ ;
उधर तुम्हारा  कर्त्तव्य रथ आसमा में करता है परवाज़ ;
.कौन हो तुम पूछ लिया परिस्थितियों ने उससे आज

कौन हो तुम ये आज बताना होगा ;
किसने तुम्हे भेजा है ये आज समझाना होगा;
परिस्थितियों के प्रश्नों को आज सुलझाना होगा

देख प्रश्नों कि बारिश वो बोल पड़ा;
नाम है मेरा आम आदमी और फिर ये जोड़ चला;
थोडा सा भरोसा खुद पर रखता हूँ ;
थोडा ज्यादा अपने खुदा कि सुनता हूँ ;
गिरता हूँ हारता हूँ दर्द में कराहता हूँ;
पर दुखी होकर कभी रुकने नहीं पाता हूँ;

क्यूंकि यकीं है: 
अगर गिरने के बाद भी सांस चल रही है;
हारने के बाद भी नब्ज़ फड़क रही है;
दर्द से चीत्कार के बाद भी पैरों कि धड़कन भड़क रही है;
तो मेरे खुदा का है ये इशारा कि मेरी मंजिल अभी भी है बाकी;
और देखो इस आम आदमी कि  आँखें मंजिल देख पाने को तरस रही हैं .

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Image

Moments come in life when "life" puts us at a juncture where it tests the sincerity of our dreams, our conviction, our capacity to remain "tugged" with what we had believed-with what we had preached and for what we had begun our little steps.

The problems with which we get occupied, the unfathomable hindering elements in realization of our dream- start bringing in a feeling that possibly  almighty sitting somewhere on this earth or on heaven doesn't want this dream of ours to get converted into reality. Thoughts start creeping that possibly our capacity is limited, our resources are bound by someone else who has either provided us employment or has given  support  as a team mate, our authority to take decision for the dream lies with someone else, the circumstances in which we are in are possibly  not congenial to carry on with the dream. Intellect starts saying that we may take up this dream sometime later when "everything & everything" is perfectly all right. .

 And then we stand to decide, "the decision" which which will not just shape completion or non-completion of this dream but will create an "image", " an image of self" and "within self", the image which will always remind us being a "quitter". This image may perhaps will never be visible to other's but everytime when we take up a new dream- it will always float before our eyes.

This image will be so treacherous that even if one want's to run away, one wants to pass on the buck to someone else,  there will be none to blame, there will be no excuse to give, there will be none to listen except one and that will be "self". This moment says not get befuddled with "Apparent" limitations of resources,capabilities, team or circumstances, there was none and there will never be one situation when "everything and everything" will be perfect to begin the dream. There  is just one way, one moment and that one way and the one moment is to carry on because our heart says "Its My Dream" and therefore "My responsibility" to "Live it".

Are we seeing the "The Image"?

Monday, November 15, 2010

The True Winner

It's not a hundred metre race my dear;
One who fights till the end of the marathon is the true winner;

Many people begin the fight;
Some run fast while some have early situations tight;
Don't get bogged down if you are in the latter half;
Because every challenge at the beginning actually strengthens your calf;
The strength, the courage, which you gain;
The will, the immunity, to bear the pain;
If not now, for sure, will make the journey easy for the later half;
Therefore get up  before your self starts saying that you are dwarf;
Fight till the end even if first hundred metres put your feet on burner;
Show the world that you are not a hundred metre race runner;

Because it's not a hundred metre race my dear;
One who fights till the end of the marathon is the true winner.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

तो खुद भगवन को भी लाना होगा

अनिश्चितता के पलों का दावं भले ही कितना  गहरा हो; 
चाहे हर ओर बस अँधेरे का पहरा हो; 
फिर भी वहां रुकने या वापस लौट चलने का विचार करना संभव नहीं;
जहाँ राह दिखेगी वहां  कदम बढ़ाना होगा;
जहाँ राह नहीं दिखेगी वहां कदम के साथ राह को भी बनाना होगा;
जिस राह पर कदम चल निकले हैं;
जिन उद्देश्य के लिए वो बढ़ निकलें हैं ;
उसकी मंजिल पहले से बनी  राहों पर बढ़ने से आ जाएं तो सही ;
वर्ना खुद बनाई राह पर कदम फिर बढ़ाना होगा; 
और इन  बढ़ रहे  क़दमों के तले मंजिल को हर हाल में लाना  होगा ;
क्यूंकि लड़ाई अगर केवल निज स्वार्थ की होती;
या हार-जीत की कहानी खुद  तक सीमित होती; 
तो अँधेरा हटने तक कदम न बढ़ाते तो फर्क न पड़ता ;
या शायद डर कर लौट भी जाते तो कोई तर्क न करता;
पर यहाँ सवाल है उस भरोसे का उन शब्दों का;
जिनको पूरा करने के लिए अगर जरूरत पड़ी तो खुद भगवन को भी लाना होगा ;

Friday, October 29, 2010

Whosoever said

Whosoever said it would be tough was fully right
But who added that it will be worth the pain had the real might
Life was never and will never be a zero sum game
With all happiness and no moments of pain
There might be decades of uncertainty and trouble
And only few calm moments like a post-harvest stubble
But the one who keeps the faith and tries his best
Moves with passion and lets hopelessness rest
Will be the one who even if doesn’t reach his goal
For sure will leave trails of shining pole
The pole which will keep enlightened the fact full right
That its take might to be tougher than the toughest fight.

 The interns from IRMA  Sarthi and Anshuman have started the processing machine analysis, hopeful to get some concrete recommendations for Disha.However I am really not sure, whether I will be able to keep up the lines of poem which I scribbled above. Clouds of uncertainty are hovering over Disha. biggest shock being, the yesterday's meeting with DFO (Divisonal forest officer). Contrary to his earlier stand of financially supporting the processing machines of Disha Cooperative, he appeared swinging back. Neverthless we will find some alternatives. I clearly remember in Pushpak, Mahindra had backed off after giving verbal confirmation of 6.1 lakhs and our team could still somehow manage the funds and finally came up as sole representative from India and won the Chairman award. So this shock might not be as severe as it would have been if we had not seen these moments while making Pushpak.

Social mobilization is going on well, today we approached the 4th village. It's definitely a long way to go. May God keep the faith alive !!!   

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Call !!

There comes a time in life, when you decide to remove all the chains which bind you from achieving your dreams. When the higher calling becomes more vibrant than refusal of permission from relatives/seniors/friends. When you see that for the larger goal, steps are to be taken now even if it means breaking some of the norms, some of the rules and some of the well established customs of the society where you live in, place where you work in, school where you study in. And possibly breaking of these rules is not just for breaking them but for establishing the newer ones which match with the direction of attainment of the dream. Then comes the moment when you actually break the bond of fear which has been inhibiting you from taking the step which your conscience says right. And this moment is very special for you, because once you put in your steps, there is no returning back, there is nothing to gain and nothing to loose beyond because there is just one thing and that's your dream. Once you put in your first step, you enter in a world where even if you are not a genius, you will still be the best because your brain, your heart and your every neuron works so efficiently that no one else in the world can ever do.

And the surprising part is this call  doesn't limit to you, it transcends across the humanity because such moments come in everyone's life, few think of taking the call and even a lesser number possibly are actually able to take the final call. But those who take it, those who persevere for it till the end are the one's whom humanity remains indebted. It doesn;t matter whether these beings are in academics or sports, media or movies, circus or solitutude, politics or bureaucracy...what matters is  that they leave the legacy which becomes the benchmark for someone who will again take the call in future, if at all.

Are we ready to take "The Call" !!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

बिना लिखा फ़साना

जो पत्थर हथोडी की चोट नहीं खाता
वो न तो मंदिर में न किसी मस्जिद में जगह कभी पाता
मुश्किलें तो जिंदगी कि तस्वीर का अनोखा रंग हैं
बिना इस रंग को पाए अगर जीत भी गए तो भी जीत की तस्वीर में मज़ा नहीं आता 

पत्ता जो टूटे पेड से पेड निष्प्राण नहीं होता
बूँद दो बूँद गर बह जाए फिरभी झरना वीरान नहीं होता
गिरना हारना तो हर राह में लगा होता है 
गिरने हारने के डर यदि इंसान कदम न उठाए तो इंसान इन्सान नहीं होता 

चोट खाना पल दो पल के लिए गिर भी जाना
मुश्किलें घेर ही लें तो चंद आंसूं भी बहा जाना
पर याद रखना की तुझे गिरके है फिर उठना और आंसूं पोछकर फिर मुस्कुराना 
क्यूंकि गर ऐसा न हुआ तो किसी टूटे पत्ते और गिरी बूँद सा तू रह जाएगा बिना लिखा फ़साना 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Sitting on the seashore with moist eyes;
He appeared complaining  and there came darks skies; 
Why did God give me Limited strength to fight
Limited talent to think because of which I always fell at brink ;
As his anger kept on increasing;
the wave in the sea appeared hurriedly mounting; 
Came a voice which was serene but loud;
And all became silent including complainants noisy cloud. 

The voice reverberated with full vigor;
Limit is a limit which you create in your mind by painting fear;
I have seen some boats never entered my floor;
and some went across innumerable shore ;
It's not the talent nor the strength which gave them this distinction;
It's just that every time when problem surmounted and became a limitation;
They put little more effort and gave their limit a little extension;.
And the little extension ensured no limit could limit their earnest action..

Monday, October 18, 2010

And he quit

And he said he quits
Things were going hay-way
Some steps forward some drifting away
Friends whom he trusted 
Got him busted 
When he needed someone's shoulder  for a louder moan 
He was left all alone
And he said he quits

And he quit
Quit the thought that life will always be a perfect fit
With only roses and no stones to hit
Quit the idea that friends will always be there to rescue him
Not because they don't want to but because no one at all times can be prim
Quit the feeling that he has to sit and cry when he will fail
With a realization that in life sometimes things dip and sometimes sail
And he quit.

Since the time he has quit
It's not that things didn;t go down 
But things going down never made him frown
It's not that he didn't need caring  friend
But even when none was there his hand became his supporting band
It's not that he became all successful and hit
But even when he failed he could quit the thought he could ever quit.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


कई बार राह नहीं दिखेगी फिर भी कदम बढ़ाना राही;
जहाँ खुद चलने का मौका न मिले स्याही तो यक़ीनन चलाना राही;
बादल  और सूरज मिलकर अँधेरे में चाहे राह को छिपा लें;
फिर भी उपरवाले को दिल में रखकर उम्मीद का दीपक जलाना राही .

जब घिर जाना मुश्किलों के बवंडर में; 
खुद का उठने लगे खुद पर से भरोसा इस अनजाने समुन्दर में;
लगे कि बस नहीं हो सकता एक और कदम का समर; 
फिर भी दिल से उपरवाले को आवाज देकर समुन्दर के इस भवंर को डराना राही.

ये सब शेक्सपियर नहीं कहता इतिहास कि किताबें नहीं कहती;
ग़ालिब नहीं लिखता  मीरा नहीं गाती; 
एक चीटीं कि कहानी सुनी थी किसी नुक्कड़ में; 
उस  चीटी कि जुबानी समझ इस बात को भुलाना मत राही. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

सवाल ये नहीं

सवाल ये नहीं कि मंजिल  कितनी दूर है;
सवाल ये भी नहीं कि जीवन के चौराहे पर निर्णय बड़ा गंभीर है ;
मंजिल नहीं आसान ये तर्क तो कायर लेते  हैं; 
लक्ष्य है जिनकी आँखों में उन्हें  धूप छाँव फर्क नहीं  देते हैं ;
कठिन निर्णय लेने में कदम केवल मौकापरश्तों के घबराते हैं ;
जिन्हें हैं सपनों का जूनून सवार वो डूबती नावं में भी तैर जाते हैं.

सवाल ये नहीं कि राह में कोई साथी नहीं है;
सवाल ये भी नहीं कि राह में उजाला देने वाले दीपक में बाती नहीं है ;
भीड़ के साथ चलने के विचार तो केवल भेड़ों के मन में पलते हैं ;
लक्ष्य जिन्हें है पाना वो वक़्त पड़ने पर अकेले ही चल पड़ते हैं ;
रात के अंधेरों में कदम केवल अधूरी इच्छा वालों के रुकते  हैं;
जिनके सपनों में हो सच्चाई उनके क़दमों कि आहट से बिना बाती के दीपक भी जल उठते हैं ;

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

ग़मों की किताब

अपने दुखों से ग़मगीन हो निकल पड़ा बाज़ार में;
सोचा बेच आऊँ ग़मों की ये किताब किसी खुशनुमां  दूकान में;
हर बाज़ार घूमा हर दूकान में पूछा;
बची न कोई गली न कोई कूचा;
 पर नहीं मिला कोई सौदागर; 
जिसके पास हो केवल खुशियाँ बिना किसी फिकर;
राह में मिले कई लोग; 
जो थकते नहीं थे बयाँ  करते अपने दुखों का योग. 

उनके दुखों को सुना तो लगा; 
मेरी तो ग़मों की किताब ही है उनके पास ग़मों  की बड़ी पेटी है; 
खुशियाँ मेरी ज्यादा हैं ग़मों की फेहरीस्त जरा छोटी है;
मै लौट आया अपने घर लिए उस किताब को;
किताब के साथ एक नए जवाब को;
गम को भूल जा प्यारे जरा खोलकर देख खुशियों की पेटी; 
क्यूंकि उपरवाले ने ग़मों  की छोटी सी किताब से साथ खुशी भी तेरे लिए ही है समेटी ;
अब अगर तू ये खुशियों की पेटी को बंद रखकर जीना चाहता है तो जी;
पर बाद में किसी दूकान में ये न पूछना किसी के ग़मों की किताब है मेरी किताब से मोटी. .



Saturday, September 4, 2010

Architects of My life 2010

God cannot come on its own to guide and care for us all the time and at all moments,  therefore possibly all of us are bestowed with some people who  influence us, pamper us, scold us, mold us, criticize us, motivate us..... These people may not be those big shots who make headlines in newspapers or on television. More often than not, these are the one's whom we see and meet at different points of life. These people  possibly themselves never know what influence they have cast on us and even if they know they never make us feel that they have been instrumental in transforming us.
I call them "Architects of My life" and this post is dedicated to all those souls who have entered my life, influenced my thoughts and actions. Some of them have possibly gone beyond the materialistic adventures and touched me to the spiritual core.  
After Procrastinating for long, now I am back with a post for all those "special ones' of my life" till Sept 2010. Every year on the eve of 5th September (teacher's day) will try to express my gratitude for the souls who touched me during that  "teaching calender" year and will compile all every year's posting on a special page of the blog "Architects of my Life", which u might be seeing on the top of this page

Here I go....

Parents: Words possibly can never describe their role and this page is too short even if I attempt. I would just end saying this- They have ingrained the feeling to look beyond self and taught me to keep ethics high above any materialistic gains. Biggest Gift God has given me.

Maternal Grandfather: Bodily he is no more on earth. He has been a teacher to me right from class 3rd-taught not just english, hindi and mathematics but life lessons which have guided the path. He has been instrumental in connecting to spiritual aspect of life. After my parents the most valuable blessing of Almighty. Miss him a lot.

Manoj Sir: He was supposed to teach Physics for class 11th to a guy who was struggling through one of the sad phase of life after class 10th.The guy had lost all hopes of doing anything worthwhile in life. Possibly God sent Manoj sir  in disguise as physics teacher to pull me up from that phase. Without him in my life, I would have never thought of looking beyond doing graduating from a local institution. Unfortunately before he could see me joining an Engineering Institution of a respectable status, he succumbed to an accident.May his soul rest in peace.

Prof. S.A.Channiwala: Excellence clothed in simplicity.First conversation with this splendid creation of God "Beta, we will do this" and he said this so affectionately that i felt I have got my parents away from home at Surat. I don't know whether I have learnt anything technical from the genius who has a "constant" on his name in bioenergy and coorrelation in solar cookers, but I am sure I have learnt life lessons of compassion and doing things "self-lessly".He has been my guide not just for KVPY or Pushpak but much beyond that. He has been a  "Bhagwat Gita" in action for me. When my parents visited surat to see me off for Portland tour, they met him and he expressed desire to meet my mentor. My parents said, he is the mentor, to which he added, he has joined the league later on but there must be someone else who has been guiding from childhood. Parents said that his "nanaji" (maternal grand father) is the one. Unfortunately, nanaji was not keeping well since then and I couldn;t fullfill this desire of Channiwala sir. Last and not the least, he is the one who was instrumental in convincing parents for leaving GM and joining IRMA, when he said my father on Phone that he needs 10 years of life of their son and my father agreed. Hats off to u Sir !!

Ashish Sharma Sir: If he hadn't entered in the first few days after I joined NIT-Surat, track of my life would have been totally different. Even after meeting him during different sessions for setting a technical hobby club, if he had not given the brotherly support to put efforts for KVPY and then link with Channiwala sir, my path would have been different. The list of If's for Ashish sir and current path of my life is more than  what it normally happens between asenior and junior in any educational institution. The most important "if" being "Drishti" . Before passing out, he handed over the affairs of Drishti which was at nascent stage. That was the first time, I was working beyond my own projects, that was first time, where we went for mobilizing students to join in Drishti, that was first time, convinced college authorities for what lies ahead once Drishti sets in firmly and it was there in Drishti i realized first time that I have  a role to play in social space. I am grateful to this senior of mine for the "First experiment" which connected me to few most wonderful colleagues Sarat, Shailesh, Pranav,  Parthav, Gaurav, Abhai and then later on my BG and CG friends.  Lucky enough to get him again within the same city.

Prasanna: Possibly among those two-three friends with whom I share everything. From the first year to final year, he was there at all moments. Moments when many left me in midst of trouble, when many colleagues didn't believe in what I had  in my heart when I took some hard steps in third and final year- I always found two people Trinadh and Prasanna with me. Without Prasanna, I am 100% sure, Drishti would have failed. He was the one on whom, I could rely even if I kept my eyes closed, he was the one who could be called at any of the odd hours for Drishti. And he still continues to be the same. Must have been some good deeds that almighty gave his most precious creation as a friend, as a mentor to me.

Manu:  Now comes the real person, who was never associated directly with any of the experiments in college be it Drishti, be it Pushpak or the _____ :) and Inspite of that he was always in the midst of all experiments as a critic as a guide and as a pulse rater. He continued to criticize me at all moments, in everything I did and even doing now, but that criticism was of a friend who didn't want  me to falter at any point. Coincidentally he cites that he knew me before entering Surat, possibly at Bansal Classes, Kota. Being from automotive field, In a car, i value "brakes"  most. One may find many driving forces in life, but one rarely gets a true "brake" who stops in time and at right place. Whole world appreciates the engine for driving through the journey so beautifully, but one never sees the role "brakes" have played in ensuring timely stops in between. I am thankful to God for giving me such a reliable "brake".

Atri Sir: While I was leaving from GM, in the exit interview among many other questions HR asked me, am i leaving because of problem with the boss. I just smiled and told him- Atri Sir. He said, i am sorry it was a wrong question, he is among the most wonderful in the company and u were lucky to have him. I think this speaks all about him. He has been instrumental in the transition from corporate to development world, which would otherwise have been very difficult. May life bless him with best possible happiness.

Prakruti: 29th November, 2006, turned things upside down. She convinced me not to procrastinate things further, if i was really interested to do so. With harpreet, aman, we took half day leave from the office and searched around for an Orphanage in Baroda. And after that life never remained the same- the fourth experiment "Sanaath" began, Weekends were spent with those kids in the orphanage, teaching elementary English and maths, arranging money for external tuition for the one's who were doing better in studies.....with Prakruti joining in some of the classes and more than that her moral support to carry on the things. During this period, I realized, if something concrete has to be done, it has to be fulltime .. weekend work will not add much value and in the turn of events for leaving GM, by god's grace got through in IRMA. As she assured, she continues to morally support and I know she will humbly deny all this, but still I feel without her forcing me into this sector, i would have possibly swayed away in the corporate life.

Prof. Madhavi Mehta: She just didn't teach subjects like individual and group behavior or understanding organization or management of change but had an overwhelming effect on the experiment of Disha Social Enterprise. The learnings and the experiences which she shared during numerous discussions for Disha, have molded our thoughts for looking beyond obvious. Although due to reasons beyond control, we couldn;t take off the first Disha (Disha Social Enterprise), but it gave the thread to hang on which has now fruited as Disha Cooperative, personally I m indebted to her  and owe all credit for whatever good happens because of Disha cooperative in Mayurbhanj. 

Prof. K V Raju: He taught us, but still I can;t call him a teacher, because he dislikes this word. He needs no introduction for all those who ever had a chance to meet him even once. He has fundamentally changed the conception of development I had in mind, before I entered IRMA. I still remember him smiling at our "Managing Cooperatives" presentation while I was answering the question very emotionally and not agreeing to his comments.  Possibly then I never knew, that everything will retrace back and now when I stand here with the Disha Cooperative, his every comment which appeared hurting to the core that time is  actually acting has savior from slipping around. Someone rightly said on face book sometime back, there are teachers and then there are teacher's like Raju sir, with whom u dont just learnt things but unlearn most of the unwarranted things.

Prof. D P Mishra:  While I was in Surat I equated Prof. Channiwala next to my parents, I didn;t know that I will be lucky enough to get another person in future for whom I will have the same respect and regards as I had for Channiwala sir. In reply to my last mail which I wrote to all Professors while leaving IRMA , he wrote "In life I have seen 45 summers. I have met as many cohorts and heard stories of many more. But among all I have met or heard about, you are the rarest jewel. I have seen the man in you and am filled with admiration. I have seen the boy in you and am filled with envy. I look into the future and indulge in a little crystal gazing and see you there among the stars among my heroes". I think these words hold true more for him. He is the rarest jewel and the star to a direction less traveler like me. He has guided in the campus and continues the same for Disha. Talking more at the personal level, pain arising out of those frequent leg-cramps might have forgotten their frequency but DPM Sir never missed to see me at my hostel room after he heard about the cramps with his ever smiling face. I guess Rachana and Sushant da wrote in their Darpan message, that they were happy & surprised to see that smile again and again on my face, even after painful cramps. Let me share candidly that smile appeared because of the understanding that even in those painful moments, God was filling comfort with the smile, by being present as my Professor.

Suman: Does he need an introduction for people who know me!!!. Never knew, life will give police wala as a friend, as a mentor and more than that as an elder brother. Like other's I also don;t know how I got connected to him. except one assignment, we were together in all groups. Both of us had a common habit, we rarely spoke in class, but after the class, either in his room or Abhijit's room v sat with Naveenbhai and Swapnil to argue and counter argue over everything we heard that day in class. Our assignments used to be more than assignment, because Suman at one or other moment brought those surprising elements for discussion which only a "pakka police wala" will bring in!!. One of his statements which still guides me " Never judge a person on formal platform, formal forums me har koi development ki baat karega, sab kuch achcha achcha bolega, listen to him in his/her casual talks-bcoz there his/her innerself will reveal the truth". While I opted for Jharkhand for my field work, most of the colleagues were fearful because of my ill health, but I knew, till the time I have Suman with me, I will be able to ride through all pain. It might happen by chance that one gets birth in a good family, but I m sure, it's God's own design when he bestows friends like Suman.

Somath Sir: It was during my internship at Winrock, I got first chance to talk to him for 15-20 minutes over developing a ranking scale for site selection of rural energisation program. After the discussion when I came out of his cabin with he giving nod to all the parameters, i sat thinking, there must be something special in the person that inspite of being Vice-president and me being an intern, he accepted my arguments. We out of our ego often tend to negate arguments even of we know they r correct, if those arguments r coming from a person junior to us, but here was a person who left a mark on my heart right in that small discussion. Later on when he asked me for my willingness to join Winrock, I had nothing to say except yes. Experiencing and learning many things from him since then and its all because of his generosity that I could get a chance to work on my dream project -Disha, would be a small gift to him, if it turns out the way God wish's it to be.

Mamta: First seven months at Winrock had passed and I didn't know her. Then came the retreat and while returning she shared about the work of Orissa and since then every passing day made me adore her. The kind of flexibility she offered me for the work in Disha was beyond comprehension I guess after her farewell, I had dedicated one blog post for her, which succinctly reflects everything.

There are many other friends/relatives/colleagues and teacher's who have touched me, due to humane incapability I might have missed them in the post, but still like to thank them for "what they have been for me"

आज आखिर परेशान होकर पूछ ही लिया कैसे भगवन हो 

मुश्किलों में अकेला छोड़ चले जाते हो
खुदा ने फ़रमाया 
 हर किसी के साथ हर समय तो नहीं रह सकता हूँ
इसिलिये कभी खुद आ जाता हूँ कभी अपनी बन्दों के रूप में रहमत भेज देता हूँ 

Monday, August 30, 2010

जाने वो कब और कहाँ से आएँगे;

जाने वो कब और कहाँ से आएँगे 
जो साबरमती के  तट पर फिर से अपना आश्रम बनाएँगे 
जिसके आश्रम में गरीब अमीर सभी सामान आदर पाएँगे 
जिसके चरखे के उस सूत से फिर गरीबों को तन ढकने लायक कपडे मिल जाएँगे
जाने वो कब और कहाँ से आएँगे 

जाने वो कब और कहाँ से आएँगे 
जो अपने पिता की इच्छा के विरुद्ध जाकर बड़े अफसर की गद्दी हँसते हँसते छोड़ जाएँगे
जिनकी सेना के लोग रसद ख़त्म होने पर भी खली पेट बढ़ते जाएँगे
और केवल यही गुनगुनाएँगे तुम हमें खून दो हम तुम्हे आज़ादी दे जाएँगे
जाने वो कब और कहाँ से आएँगे

जाने वो कब और कहाँ से आएँगे
जो कुछ हद तक निज स्वार्थ छोड़ मानवता के लिए समय दे पाएँगे
जिन्हें हम गाँधी, सुभाष, भगत सिंह न बुला पाएं तो न सही 
कम से कम उन्हें हम  सच्चा  इंसान  तो कह पाएंगे 
जाने वो कब और कहाँ से आएँगे

जाने वो कब और कहाँ से आएँगे
जाने क्यूँ लगता है  शायद वो नहीं आएँगे
आएँगे कहाँ से यहाँ तो हर घर यही सोचता है
वो कहीं से भी आ जाएं पर हमारे घर से नहीं आएँगे
जाने वो कब और कहाँ से आएँगे

Friday, August 27, 2010

इतिहास ही किताब

इतिहास से आज मै पूछ बैठा;
उपरवाले ने हर एक को वही हाथ वही पैर दिए;
वही थोड़ी सी बुद्धि वही चलने के सलीके दिए ;
वही कुछ कर गुजरने के बारूद के  ढेर भी मन में भर दिए ;
फिर भी तुम्हारी जुबां पर कुछ ही लोगों का नाम पता क्यूँ होता है ;
क्यूँ चंद नामों का ही नाम तुम्हारी किताबों में बयां होता है ;
तुम क्यूँ  हर नाम का जोखा नहीं बताते; 
ऐसा पछ्पात करते क्यूँ नहीं सकुचाते; 
इतिहास से आज मै पूछ बैठा.

इतिहास थोडा मुस्कुराया; 
अपनी नयी किताब एक पन्ना पलट कर फ़रमाया;
कोई शक नहीं वही बुद्धि और कर गुजरने के बारूद के ढेर सभी को  मिलें हैं ;
बस फर्क सिर्फ इतना है कोई उसपर आंसुओं का पानी डालकर गलने देता है;
कोई उम्मीद की एक छोटी सी चिंगारी बनकर सफलता की ज्वाला खडी कर देता है;
दोनों की दास्ताँ बिना पछ्पात मेरे पन्नों में दर्ज होती है; 
बस उम्मीदवाले की चिंगारी उस दास्ताँ को  अमिट बना देती  है ;
और आंसुवाले की दास्ताँ उसके आंसुओं में मिट जाती है;
 इन्ही अमिट और मिटे हुए पन्नो से एक नयी  इतिहास ही किताब बन जाती है.

Friday, August 20, 2010


वो गिरते हैं पर आवाज नहीं होती
वो हारते हैं पर हार की साज़ नहीं होती
जिन्हें खुद पर भरोसा हो
उन राहगीरों  की जीत के आगाज़ के आगे हार की परवाज़ नहीं होती

वो लड़ते हैं पर किस्मत की दरकार नहीं होती 
वो मजबूरी में पड़ते हैं पर झुकने की झंकार नहीं होती
जिन्हें खुद पर भरोसा हो
उन राहगीरों को राह क्या मंजिलों की भी परवाह नहीं होती 

गिरना हारना मुश्किलों में घिर जाना
राह नज़र न आये फिर भी ऐ रही बढ़ते जाना
क्यूंकि जो  राही आखिर तक खुद पर भरोसा रख पाए
उनके गिरने और हारने  के पथ्थरों को ही दुनिया ने काशी और  काबा माना 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

हस्त रेखाएं

अनिश्चितता की मृदंग के बीच मचा है मेरा परिश्तिथियों से संग्राम; 
कभी आल्हाद कभी अंतर्द्वंद हर पल बस  एक नया पैगाम; 
कुछ निराश होकर पूछ बैठा हाथ की रेखाओं से; 
जरा बताओ तो मेरा  भाग्य बंधा है किन सीमाओं से. 

कभी लगता है लक्ष्य बहुत पास है;
कुछ कदम ही चल पाता हूँ और पाता हूँ कि मन फिर उदास है;
कुछ तो कहो हस्त रेखाओं आखिर क्यों ये संत्रास है;
लक्ष्य मिलेगा या भाग्य में हार का ही वास है.

मेरे निराश वचन सुन हस्त रेखाएं बोलीं इतिहास कभी हस्त रेखाओं से नहीं लिखा जाता है; 
भाग्य तो हम कर्महीनो का बताते हैं कर्मठ का भाग्य नहीं लिखा जाता है ;
खुद पे  एतबार रख ऐ राही;
कर्मवीरों क़ी रेखाओं से हाथ नहीं इतिहास लिखा जाता है . 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

कौन कहता है !!

कौन कहता है  कि कोशिश करने वालों की हार नहीं होती;
लक्ष्य से पहले रुकने के लिए खुद की  खुद से तकरार नहीं होती;
यक़ीनन होती है पर वो फिर भी चलते हैं क्यूंकि उन्हें है यकीं ;
कि हार, हर बार नहीं होती.

कौन कहता है की कोशिश करने वालों की राह में ठोकर  नहीं होती; 
मंजिल आने से पहले पैरों की गड्ढों  से समर  नहीं होती  ;
यक़ीनन होती है पर वो फिर भी चलते हैं क्यूंकि उनका जूनून कहता है;
कि ठोकर के बिना कोई राह राह नहीं होती .

कोशिश करने वाले भी हारते  हैं  पर फिर भी सपनो की दौड़ में भागते हैं; 
क्यूंकि  उन निराशा के  पलों में जब सभी जीते जीते मरते हैं;
कोशिश करने वाले मरते मरते भी जीवन के पलों को छीन लेते हैं ;
और फिर  कहते हैं कि कोशिश करने वालों की हार नहीं होती. 

Sunday, July 25, 2010

वो .............न हो

वो विश्वास ही क्या जो मुश्किल  की घडी में साथ न हो
वो उम्मीद ही क्या जिससे  अँधेरे में  रौशनी की आस न हो
पल दो पल के सपने तो सभी देखते हैं  
वो सपना ही क्या जिसकी उम्र जिंदगी की उम्र से समरास न हो 

वो सब्र ही क्या जो बेसब्री में पास न हो
वो हौंसला ही क्या जिससे टूटती  साँसों में पार  न हो 
जीत के सिलसिले लगें हो तो कायर भी जीत  जाते हैं
वो जीत ही क्या जिसके आने के पहले कई बार हार न हो 

वो ऊंचाई ही क्या जहाँ पहुंचकर अपने साथ न हो 
वो दौलत ही क्या जो जरूरतमंद की जरूरत का प्रभाष  न हो 
मुश्किलें समझाने से तो सभी समझ जाते हैं 
वो दोस्त ही क्या जिन्हें इन शब्दों के अन्दर छुपें दर्द का आभाष  न हो 

Friday, July 16, 2010

तो यकीं रखों

रेत की दीवार नहीं जो हवा के झोंके से गिर जाएँगे
पत्ते की पतवार नहीं जो पानी में बह जाएंगे
आजमाने की गलती न करना अगर  इरादा  कर बैठे
तो यकीं रखो  पानी  का बहना और हवा का उड़ना भी रोक जाएँगे 

खाई खोद कर चाहे राह ही मिटा दो
मुश्किलों के चाहे कितने घने बादल चढ़ा लो
अगर ये सोचते हो की मुश्किलें के बादल हमें डरा देंगे  
तो यकीं रखों हम वो राही हैं जो इस सोच को ही मिटा देंगे 

मानते हैं  संघर्ष की इस राह पर कई बार कदम रुकेंगे
तेज़ दौड़ने से पहले कुछ कदम धीरे भी चलेंगे
मगर इस पड़ाव को यदि हमारी मंजिल समझ बैठे
तो यकीं रखो इस  मंजिल पर पहुँचने से पहले अगले मुकाम का पता भी बता देंगे 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

कबीर ने नहीं कहा तो क्या मै तो कहता हूँ

कबीर ने नहीं कहा तो क्या  मै तो कहता हूँ
दर्द होता है जब किसान की खेती को भेडिए को खाते पाता हूँ

बुखमरी मिटाने की बड़ी संगोष्ठियों के नाम पर लाखों लुटाए जाते हैं
वहां मेरे किसान के बच्चे फिर भी भूखे रह जाते हैं
बातें तो लोग बड़ी बड़ी करते हैं पर बातों के आगे कुछ  कर नहीं पाते हैं
दिल रोता है तब जब कुछ लोग कुछ करने जाते हैं वो भी अपना हाथ बंधा पाते हैं 

कबीर ने नहीं कहा तो क्या  मै तो कहता हूँ
दर्द थोडा ज्यादा होता है जब किसान  की खेती को  इंसानी  भेडिए को खाते पाता हूँ

सरकारी फाइलों में सारी योजनाएं समाप्त हो जाती हैं
और फिर एक गैर सरकारी संस्था की टीम इम्पेक्ट  असेसमेंट के नाम पर पैसा बनाती है
गरीब बस उनके सवालों का जवाब देकर रह जाता है
दिल रोता है तब  जब सब सवालों के जवाब देने के बाद भी उसके खेत पर पानी नहीं पहुँच पाता है 

कबीर ने नहीं कहा तो क्या मै तो कहता हूँ
दर्द असहनीय हो जाता है जब किसान  की खेती को सरकारी और गैर सरकारी कागजों में ही उगता पाता हूँ 

ये कुछ नया नहीं जो मै कहता हूँ हर चाय की दुकान पर सुनता हूँ 
भगतसिंह , सुभाष  जैसे लोगों के होने पर समाज कितना अच्छा होता है 
पर दिल रोता है तब  जब कोई अपने घर से सुभाष, भेजने पर झिझकता है 
और उम्मीद करता है  पडोसी के घर से ही कोई  सुभाष बनता तो ज्यादा अच्छा होता है 

कबीर ने नहीं कहा तो क्या  मै तो कहता हूँ
दर्द की वेदना का तब  भान ही नहीं रहता जब यह  पढने के बाद भी आँखों में समाज-कर्त्तव्य के भावों को मुर्दा पाता हूँ 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

पर फिर याद आता है

मुश्किलों से घिर जाने पर हारने का मन भी करता है कभी 
इतने थपेड़ों में टूट कर गिर जाने का मन भी करता है कभी 
पर फिर याद आता है हार तो वो माने जो खुद के जीने के लिए लड़ते  है 
यहाँ तो हमारी लड़ाई खुदा लड़ता है हम तो उसके बन्दों के लिए लड़ते हैं 

गिरने पर वापस न उठने का मन भी करता है कभी 
कदम रुकने पर ठहर जाने का मन भी करता है कभी 
पर फिर याद आता हैं कदम तो उनके रुकें जो खुद के लिए चलते हैं 
यहाँ तो हमारे लिए खुदा चलता है हम तो उसके बन्दों के लिए चलते हैं 

ख्वाबों के अधूरे रह जाने पर  खुदा पर  चिल्लाने का मन भी  करता है कभी
मनचाही चीज़ न मिलने पर किस्मत पर आरोप लगाने का मन भी करता है कभी
पर फिर याद आता है खुदा पर वो चिल्लाएं जिनके ख्वाब खुद के लिए हों 
यहाँ तो हमारे ख्वाब खुदा इस तरह बुनता है जैसे बुना हुआ ख्वाब खुद खुदा के लिए हो

Monday, June 28, 2010

11 Legged Understanding

Long vacation about to end, leaving in the afternoon for Delhi.

This time when I had started for my home from Gurgaon, I was highly apprehensive. Fear was obvious, I had to keep myself ready for numerous expected questions & explanations which earlier I had clarified to my parents were now supposed to be shot from my relatives  and sample of questions :) ranging  from "why u didn't rejoin corporate after masters when u had such deep interest in automobiles", "we thought after master's u would be earning more but why do u earn less when your peer group who did graduation along with u is earning more" "why r u wasting ur time on this work" .............. [at times i feel as i hv done a really bad deed that i need to explain myself everytim...may be even a murderer would not be questioned by so many people for his act :( ]

After passing out of IRMA, I had two visits back home but I didn't step out of my home, didn;t meet any of the  relatives, "intentionally". Possibly the fear of explanations stopped me!! . But we being social creatures cannot escape "eternally" from them, though "momentarily" its possible and Now this "momentarily" escaping was over.

Reached home on 19th and 22nd was my cousin's marriage and so meeting the relatives was imperative. For a moment I thought let me not share what I am doing and either remain silent or tell a lie which will avoid all that apparent embarrassment emanating from explaining everything, to some who will understand and to many who won't.

 On the way to Jabalpur where marriage of my cousin was scheduled I was accompanied by one of my distant cousin whom I met possibly first time. She is studying in kindergartern. To hide my anxiety, I started chatting with her and asked what all she  learnt in "nursery" and what's new in "KG-1" and like a parrot she narrated everything. And then among the numerous questions on alphabets and numbers which I bombarded on her, one was how many legs we have and came a stunning reply- "11". I was kind of shocked, I tried to explain her, its not 11 but 2. She replied see my miss told me when we put "1" on the side of "1" it becomes "11" and our legs are like that, in Nursery it was like 1 and 1 make 2 but now in KG-1 "1" and "1" make "11". My goodness, she was right in her own way, but our age-old mathematical and conventional mindset can never accept this fact that we have 11 legs instead of 2 and so I continued the argument. She like a valiant fighter stood firm on her view. Discussion which followed must have appeared very childish except for the fact when she said " See  my miss told that 11 is bigger than 2, if one leg has pain or is removed, we will have to walk on support of stick or someone's shoulder and if our legs were only 2, removing one should not make walking so tough but since we have 11 legs removing 1 makes us "budha" (old), ". 

I was speechless, who else other than me knows how i spent last two and half years with those recurrent acute leg cramps, when Suman, Shashank, Sajid, Rajat and many other friends used to shoulder me. I accepted her argument and so as reader u also better accept "we have 11 legs" :) or else she might complain to her miss!!!.

This "11 legs" saga gave a big lesson. She in her own logic knew she was right. She was convinced with her current understanding and there was nothing wrong in the way she viewed the numbers, she might later on contradict herself but that would be her own new "experiment" and a new joy of learning ( or Unlearn in word's of Prof. Raju). My lost faith on my convincing skills got resurrected and I decided to face the questions and answer everything to the best of my "11 legged" understanding and today when I am leaving home, I am happy, leaving few, most of the relatives are now convinced with the decision and some even intend to support the cause.

तेरे सपनों कि उडान अभी बाक़ी है
अभी तो केवल हार हुई है, जीत का असली मुकाम अभी बाकी है

PS: For those awaiting news on personal front, Its "almost" final, in a few days from now when "almost" gets removed and only final remains will share the news with everyone!!.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

जिंदगी की दौड़

परिश्थितियां सदा  किसी के लिए एक सी न थीं न कभी होंगी
जिंदगी की दौड़ में कभी धूप कभी छाँव लगी होंगी 

छाँव के पलों में तो सभी दौड़ जाएँगे 
बात तो तब होगी जब भरी धूप में भी कदम नहीं रुकने पाएँगे
जंग कोई हारता नहीं बस कुछ लोग मैदान जल्दी छोड़ जाते हैं
परिश्थितियों  के लड़खड़ाते हांथों को देखने से पहले हथियार छोड़ जाते हैं

परिश्थितियां सदा  किसी के लिए एक सी न थीं न कभी होंगी
जिंदगी की दौड़ में कभी धूप कभी छाँव लगी होंगी 

क्या लगता है भगत सिंह या मदर टेरेसा कभी मुश्किलों में पड़े नहीं
या आइन्स्टीन की खोजों में असमंजस्य के बादल पड़े नहीं
अरे इंसान क्या राम और यीशु का भी बुरा वक़्त आया
परिस्थितियों ने उनका भी विश्वास आजमाया  

परिश्थितियां सदा  किसी के लिए एक सी न थीं न कभी होंगी
जिंदगी की दौड़ में कभी धूप कभी छाँव लगी होंगी 

उनकी जीत के किस्से इसलिए सुनते हो क्यूंकि वो मुश्किल छड़ों में रुके नहीं
असमंजस्य के घने बादलों तले झुके नहीं
यदि ये सब  जानकर भी तुम  हार मानना चाहते हो तो  मानो
पर फिर ये न कहना की खुद को हराने वाले लोगों के किस्से तुमने सुने नहीं 

परिश्थितियां सदा  किसी के लिए एक सी न थीं न कभी होंगी
जिंदगी की दौड़ में कभी धूप कभी छाँव लगी होंगी 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

15 million

Here is an excerpt from the article written by Mr. GopalKrishna Gandhi in HT*

"here is one intersection of life in metropolitan India where ‘life’ indeed goes on. It flows in a ribbon of continuous movement that is required, every now and then, to take pause at what are called ‘traffic junctions’ or ‘traffic signals’...........Some months ago, in Chennai, my three-wheeler had stopped at one of these junctions. In that throbbing wait of no more than a few seconds, a little girl wove her way into the road, twisting her tiny frame in between lorry, tempo, taxi, three-wheeler, two-wheeler, cart and limo. I was about to shout ‘Watch it, kid!’ when she fell flat onto the steaming tarmac. I thought she had fainted in the heat but no, she was up in a trice doing, in the narrowest of spaces between the traffic, a perfect somersault. I realised that this blithe girl with limbs of rubber was a street acrobat....I could see she wore a thin coat of make-up that is not to be expected in a girl of her age. I shuddered at the thought of what the future held for her. Perhaps the ‘future’ had already taken hold of her. Perhaps the traffic signal had already signalled another ‘traffick’ for her? On the other hand, who knows, she could become an Anna Pavlova. But Pavlova was not born to the street...............................But the sheer numbers — estimates put the number of streetchildren in India at 15 million, the world’s highest, at a 15 per cent of the global count of streetchildren — make the challenge mind-numbing." 

And this is not something new, which will surprise anyone of us. Daily while commuting to our offices we come across these kids either begging or picking rags. It would sound hard to say but have we become so insensitive that it no longer bothers us?? If in place of those unknown kids, our siblings were there on the street,, would our response be the same !! If not, then Are we waiting for someone from heaven to come and assist them live a better life ?? 
I don't have an answer, but it really pains from within. The number "15 million" is just a misnomer, m sure it would certainly more than that.

What's the way out. My limited cognizance shows  two is preventive other curative. People in villages have meager income generation opportunities and so they come down to cities in search of work and then how these kids come down to street to earn(beg !!) petty sum is not a story which needs an intellectual explanation. Preventive solution is to create income generation opportunities right at the village level which ensures sufficient money to live a decent life, provide education to children, meet their medical expenses etc. The experiment of Mayurbhanj is a small step in this direction. As is emerging in Disha it will take not just months but years to set a sustainable process (cooperative) of income generation for the people within the villages (and that too in just 100 villages of one district of one state !!!)) , preventive solution will take time to  reverse this process of migration of unskilled (less skilled) people to cities. By the time preventive solution starts delivering its results , Curative solution possibly should be brought in to provide immediate assistance to the one's whom Mr. GK Gandhi termed as "Anna Pavlova" who are already on street. As I see, it will not be possible for everyone to put many many years of life and take on with the preventive solution but Are we willing to take start work with atleast curative solution

 My experiment started with the curative solution in Orphanage of Baroda on weekends while working in GM. And believe me its not so hard, all it would need is forming a small group of friends, spare few hours of weekends for these kids instead of malls and movies...who knows this small support can help those kids "relive their life".
Are we ready to take the baton or will keep blaming the systems around?

Monday, May 31, 2010

Small Piece of Paper

Normally we never remember each day of the calender, but there are some dates, which never fade away from memory and even when year column changes in calender, the date "flashes back" in mind.

3 years back,31st May, I just signed a "small piece of paper", looked at my workstation and with a heavy heart proceeded towards HR section. HR Section was possibly not more than 50-60 steps from my seat, but with each step  that piece of paper was becoming heavier.

For a moment I stopped and questioned myself. Am I taking a right decision? This apparently "small piece of paper" was going to change the course of my life. Automotive sector, possibly the most glamorous field of mechanical engineering was about to get away from me. Submission of that paper would move me out of "corporate world" and very vividly reduce down the numbers which appear at the end of every month in my bank account. More than reducing the incoming numbers in the bank, there would be a strong debit in the form of education loan emi. Journey after this would be in a totally unknown territory and that added more to worries.
I stopped, was about to turn back. This was perhaps the first and last time when I questioned my own decision of moving to rural development field, decision which was not acceptable to my parents then, not acceptable to many of friends and well wishers. All the arguments which my parents gave for opposing this decision of leaving GM and moving to IRMA, came fore-front. My friends comments that you are not just leaving  GM but you are also losing something more than that. They added one is very lucky to get project of one's choice, department of one;s choice and over and above that Boss (Atri Sir) who is more than a friend and I had all three.

But it seems, there are moments when rationality looses all its importance and that was the same moment.

Prof. Channiwala's (my mentor) words which he said while convincing my father on phone about 10 days back before I was supposed to submit my resignation that "I need 10 years of life of your son. Its May 2007, we will talk back in May, 2017 and I am sure that this decision  will make both of us feel proud".
I took a deep breath and decided to follow my heart.

3 years have passed by, 2 very worthy years at IRMA, which have literally transformed me and now with Disha Cooperative evolving in much better way than I dreamt, have a feel that something positive will start appearing soon in the lives of people of Mayurbhanj.
Seven years at hand when Prof. Channiwala will be back on phone, speaking to my father. Let time disclose what it has in its next chapters of my life

ना  हार  से  ना  जीत  से
बस  केवल  एक  उम्मीद  से
वक़्त के पन्नों पर कुछ लिखता मिटाता हूँ

गीत नया गाता हूँ 

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Unintended Consequences-7th Experiment-Rekindling the Dreams

One corner of Chattisgarh is under shade of Naxal attack on CRPF and we are at the other corner of the State to do a benefit-mapping excercise of the village-Ranidehra in Kawardha which was electrified by us.

As discussed in one of the earlier posts-"The Wall", inspite of best efforts; much alike other development interventions,  project has created more opportunities for some compared to others in the village due to earlier socio-economic basing of people there. "The Wall" shared the relatively larger increase in income for the Shop owner with electrification in the village. This is very much understandable "if the development intervention can link to the livelihood opportunities it will lead to a better outcome"

This benefit mapping excercise is revealing some other learnings. Some people shared that now their children are able to study after sun-set, some children among them above 3rd class are attending the computer class within the village, some people who collect minor forest produce are able to stay for a longer period in the forest as processing work, they can now do even after sun-set under light, saving in getting their rice-dehusked in the power plant instead of going to block dehusking machine ......Most of them want to get light for more number of hours, but as shared earlier due to low productivity of Jatropha seeds (almost 10% of what was scientifically claimed when we started the project!!), its not possible to extract higher quantity of Jatropha oil and run the power plant for  more number of hours.

However some are sceptical that due to this renewable energy based light, grid light is not coming to the village, so they see this as a hinderance. Grid lines have been laid in this village and other neighbouring villages since last 2 years, but due different reasons none of the villages are getting power supply from Grid, so people in this village attribute it to the renewable energy based light as a reason. But when our team asked further that if this was the reason then other villages nearby must have got the power supply as there we have not done this renewable energy based electrification and there they realize that yes this village is lucky atleast it has got light continuoously without distruption since last 3 years, even if its for a limited duration.

One startling observation was in the social space. Tribals see, taking dowry equivalent to begging. So bridegroom's family never asks for dowry but willingly bride's family gives some consumer durables. Earlier before electrfication it used to be utensils, bicycle etc and recent marriages in this village, saw marriage gifts in terms of television, cd player etc.  Design of project would have possibly never had this in its agenda.

The Unintended consequences!!!!

In anycase "Bane-Bane" (Vernacular equivalent of "All is Well")

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And he Said

I was sitting idly, bit sad and as a natural humane reaction, started complaining to self about all problems which have engulfed my life. Someone stopped by to listen

"I have so many problems all around, I don't have big bungalow , I don't have a car................... and the list went on"

He listened to all my complaints very patiently

And He said "I fully agree with you, can I take 10 minutes from your busy life to tell you something"

I didn't want to talk to this stranger but somehow agreed

And he said "While we discuss this can u keep a pen, a notebook, a calculator and if possible a PC with internet"

Amused by the things he asked me to keep for conversation specially the last one, I said "ok done..all things ready"

And he said " U have so caring parents, so affectionate sisters, so supportive cousins and other relatives with you, who share all your pain and discomfort, more often even by sacrificing their own happiness because they want to see you happy"

I said "Yes, This is true, So what, everyone in the world has this"

And he said "Can you google it, how many children in the world are born who never see either their mother or father or both? I don;t need the statistics, you can write down the same in your notebook."

I quickly browsed through some pages on internet and the number's I must admit made me "shocked"

Looking at me he said "So what value u can assign to this wealth which you have"

I immediately asked "Which currency your want Rupee, Dollar, Euro, Pound, Yen...."

And he said "Hold on, If i tell you to choose one currency it will limit our discussion in the boundary of one or other man-made nationality. Let value be just value, just give some value which comes to your mind"

After thinking for a while I said ok let me put 10 million.

And he said "Ok then, we move ahead. You have got all body parts intact, you need not depend upon other's for performing your basic chores. You have an average brain to help you read, write and think. You went to school, did graduation from some good college at surat, did master's from another good institute in anand. So now you are a postgraduate"

I said "Yes, This is true, So what everyone in the world gets this"

And he said "Can you google it, how many children in the world are born able bodied. How many among them who are able bodies get even primary education leave graduation post graduation from some good college?  I don;t need the statistics, you can write down the same in your notebook."

I quickly browsed through some pages on internet and the number's which i saw I must admit again made me "shocked"

Looking at me he said "So what value u can assign to this wealth which you have"

I brainstormed did all cost-benefit analysis and said let me put 7 million

And he said "You have got a roof overhead, even if its a rented one room, you have got some money in your bank account which helps you meet all your basic needs and you are born in a free country with relatively responsible government which has arranged some form of  public transport which helps you move around"

I said "Yes, This is true, So what everyone in the world gets that"

And he said "Can you google it, how many people in the world have shelter in a minimal form which can save them from heat, cold and rain. How many of them have this "little money" in their bank account which helps them meet their basic needs? How many of them are born in the "civil or cross country war torn country" How many of them get this public transport to reach in time to a hospital in case of medical emergency.?  I don;t need the statistics, you can write down the same in your notebook."

I quickly browsed through some pages and the number's I must admit again  made me "shocked"

Looking at me he said "So what value u can assign to this wealth which you have"

I thought for a while and just wrote some random number 999

The discussion went on and by the time 10 minutes were about to end

He looked at his watchsaid " Ok,here we stop... this discussion can go on for many years to come, but since I took only 10 min permission from you, let me stop now. Can u just add upon the numbers which you have assigned"

I took out the calculator and quickly added up (as if I was sitting in my mathematics quiz)..

I said " This sums upto 99 million" and added "See I am not a billionare.."

He said "You know why you are left 1 million short of billion. Its just to ensure that your know that how every million counts in your life. Once you get this realization the remaining 1 million comes as "satisfaction" and that makes you billionaire. Ensure you value all this wealth you have, because everyone in the world is not blessed with such richness"

I had no words.

Sensing my state of mind he said "You know all the while i was trying to listen to your complaint and let you understand your wealth, I missed to bless few people with this Million richness. One such kid is born in a "civil war torn country" in Sub-Saharan Africa, in a minority community , in a low caste family which lives what you people call as "below poverty line", kid is a girl child and unfortunately with limbs crippled from birth. Oh see another kid in naxal affected village of Jharkhand....another in"

Seeing the clearly evident worry which I had on my face about the future  life of the kids..

He said " Don't  worry. Your worrying will not help me. You know why I gave you so many millions of wealth. It's just to ensure that you will share some of this wealth through your care, concern and a genuine support to those whom inpiste of my best efforts I could not bless  with one or other form of this million wealth. Will you do me this favor? Can you atleast reach out that Kid in Sub-Saharan Africa or in the village of Jharkhand who  are left unblessed from this wealth, while I was busy listening you"

Though hesitant but still I said "Yes, I will try my best. But who are you, which place you belong............"

 He smiled and said "Let me not tell my name or else you people will again label me as Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Jew, Christian etc.... or make me an Indian, Japanese, Izraeli, Iraqi etc,,or thinking that I gave you some enlightenment, some people might start a new religion on my name and again start fighting against each other."

Before I could thank him.

He left a note on my notebook which read "God Bless".and he left

Friday, March 19, 2010

When odds are one in million, you could still be that one

There would be time when situation's will shake you up
But don't allow them to break you up
At times chances of winning would be bleak
Still don't allow hopelessness to speak
Because When odds are one in million, you could still be that one

There would be time when hurdles will encroach your path
But don't allow them to poach you  to sabbath
At times you will be all alone
Still don't allow loneliness make you drone
Because When odds are one in million, you could still be that one

In all those times if you remain that one in million
Its for sure that every hard moment will take the pillion
Glory and Success will follow your path
The path which has name of just one in million

मन एक जुलाहा

मन एक जुलाहा फंसी डोर सुलझाना, चाहे सिरा मिले न मिले कोशिश से नहीं कतराना, जाने मन ही मन कि जब तक जीवन तब तक उलझनों का तराना फिर भी डोर सुलझ...